Our mission is to unleash and nurture the most powerful force we know - great ideas.
At thesign.digital we build and we transform brands to help them solve even the most complex business problems.
We do it through branding, design and thoughtful digital products. Behind them are clever and proven processes that combine research and hard data with the beauty, magic of technology and the courage to make your own dreams come true.
We believe that today consumers are more than ever looking for meaning, a sense of belonging and true emotion. And brands that are clear, distinctive, and help people achieve their goals — while being consistent and authentic — they will succeed.
That's why we partner with bold companies, organizations and foundations that want to make a difference. To be the pulse of the world — and more Steps to be taken confidently and with a flash in the eye, even if against the current.
We do it through branding, design and thoughtful digital products. Behind them are clever and proven processes that combine research and hard data with the beauty, magic of technology and the courage to make your own dreams come true.
We believe that today consumers are more than ever looking for meaning, a sense of belonging and true emotion. And brands that are clear, distinctive, and help people achieve their goals — while being consistent and authentic — they will succeed.
That's why we partner with bold companies, organizations and foundations that want to make a difference. To be the pulse of the world — and more Steps to be taken confidently and with a flash in the eye, even if against the current.
We are convinced that the great results of our work are due to the combination of our diverse experiences and passions, with what we look at the world.
This creates an incredibly exciting and inspiring space between us that becomes a driving force for change. In this way, we not only implement pre-established strategies, but we extract the real meaning from brands.
We also belong to the Association of Graphic Designers: places that care about order things in a world where the future is firmly trampling on the heels of the present.
This creates an incredibly exciting and inspiring space between us that becomes a driving force for change. In this way, we not only implement pre-established strategies, but we extract the real meaning from brands.
We also belong to the Association of Graphic Designers: places that care about order things in a world where the future is firmly trampling on the heels of the present.
Obszary działania
Branding & Product Design
Badanie potrzeb (debreifing),
Warsztat z wyrównania wiedzy,
Propozycja oferty, działań i timingu.
Badanie potrzeb (debreifing),
Warsztat z wyrównania wiedzy,
Propozycja oferty, działań i timingu.
Warsztat ze strategii biznesowej,
Definicja biznesu,
Cele strategicznego rozwoju marki,
Idealny stan do którego dąży marka,
Brand Golden Circle,
Mission Statement,
Desk research kategorii,
Segmentacja klientów,
Odkrycie klienta,
Badania grupy docelowej,
Audyt kulturowy organizacji,
Architektura marki,
Osobowość marki,
Wzorce marki,
Wybór obszarów komunikacji,
Propozycja wartości (CV, EV, RTB),
Tone of Voice,
Insight konsumencki,
Platforma marki,
Brief Strategiczny,
Design Brief,
Creative brief,
Brief produktowy.
Definicja biznesu,
Cele strategicznego rozwoju marki,
Idealny stan do którego dąży marka,
Brand Golden Circle,
Mission Statement,
Desk research kategorii,
Segmentacja klientów,
Odkrycie klienta,
Badania grupy docelowej,
Audyt kulturowy organizacji,
Architektura marki,
Osobowość marki,
Wzorce marki,
Wybór obszarów komunikacji,
Propozycja wartości (CV, EV, RTB),
Tone of Voice,
Insight konsumencki,
Platforma marki,
Brief Strategiczny,
Design Brief,
Creative brief,
Brief produktowy.
Product Design & Development
Product Statement,
Warsztaty JTBD,
Audyt UX (dla istniejących produktów),
Desk research kategorii,
Segmentacja klientów,
Badania grupy docelowej,
Analiza konkurencji,
Analiza kategorii (POP i POD),
Identyfikacja zaniedbanych potrzeb,
Definiowanie propozycji wartości,
Wyznaczenie kluczowej scieżki,
Zestaw funkcji,
Low-fidelity wireframes / MVP,
Architektura informacji,
High-fidelity wireframes,
Copywriting / UX Writing,
Testy użyteczności, Iteracje,
Wybór stacka technologicznego.
Warsztaty JTBD,
Audyt UX (dla istniejących produktów),
Desk research kategorii,
Segmentacja klientów,
Badania grupy docelowej,
Analiza konkurencji,
Analiza kategorii (POP i POD),
Identyfikacja zaniedbanych potrzeb,
Definiowanie propozycji wartości,
Wyznaczenie kluczowej scieżki,
Zestaw funkcji,
Low-fidelity wireframes / MVP,
Architektura informacji,
High-fidelity wireframes,
Copywriting / UX Writing,
Testy użyteczności, Iteracje,
Wybór stacka technologicznego.
Branding & Product Design
Analiza kluczowych detali graficznych,
Analiza trendów i kultury,
Obrazowanie klienta,
Brand assets benchmark,
Wizualizacja osobowości i wzorców,
Do's and don'ts,
Mapowanie percepcji,
Metafory insightu, idee,
Copy / Naming / Claiming,
Kierunki artystyczne,
Mapowanie percepcji,
Style Tiles,
Otoczenie fizyczne i cyfrowe klienta,
Historia i sztuka,
Mind map,
Badania konceptów,
Definiowanie assetów marki,
Definiowanie design systemu,
Standaryzacja sekcji i komponentów.
Analiza trendów i kultury,
Obrazowanie klienta,
Brand assets benchmark,
Wizualizacja osobowości i wzorców,
Do's and don'ts,
Mapowanie percepcji,
Metafory insightu, idee,
Copy / Naming / Claiming,
Kierunki artystyczne,
Mapowanie percepcji,
Style Tiles,
Otoczenie fizyczne i cyfrowe klienta,
Historia i sztuka,
Mind map,
Badania konceptów,
Definiowanie assetów marki,
Definiowanie design systemu,
Standaryzacja sekcji i komponentów.
Pola eksploatacji (aplikacja systemu), Brandbook PDF / DAM (Frontify, Standards),
Druk materiałów,
Ochrona znaku,
Strategia komunikacji zmiany,
Implementacja założeń w strategii SoMe,
Design system,
User interface (UI),
Interaction design,
Dokumentacja interakcji (product manual),
Dokumentacja wdrożeniowa (handoff).Ustandaryzowanie kreacji w zbiór zasad i reguł ich używania,
Druk materiałów,
Ochrona znaku,
Strategia komunikacji zmiany,
Implementacja założeń w strategii SoMe,
Design system,
User interface (UI),
Interaction design,
Dokumentacja interakcji (product manual),
Dokumentacja wdrożeniowa (handoff).Ustandaryzowanie kreacji w zbiór zasad i reguł ich używania,
Product Design
Front-end (React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js),
Back-end (Laravel, Python, Symfony),
eCommerce (WooCommerce, Magento),
CMS (Webflow, Wordpress),
Integracja z systemami CMS, ERP, CRM, Creative Development,
Custom Animation,
Interactive Experience,
App (Swift (iOS), Java (Android)),
Testy funkcjonalne i integracyjne.
Back-end (Laravel, Python, Symfony),
eCommerce (WooCommerce, Magento),
CMS (Webflow, Wordpress),
Integracja z systemami CMS, ERP, CRM, Creative Development,
Custom Animation,
Interactive Experience,
App (Swift (iOS), Java (Android)),
Testy funkcjonalne i integracyjne.
Areas of activity
Branding & Product Design
Needs assessment (debreifing),
Knowledge equalization workshop,
Proposal of the offer, activities and timing.
Needs assessment (debreifing),
Knowledge equalization workshop,
Proposal of the offer, activities and timing.
Workshop on business strategy,
Definition of business,
Goals of strategic brand development,
The ideal state to which the brand aspires,
Marca Golden Circle,
Mission Statement,
Desk research category,
Segmentation of customers,
Customer discovery,
Target group research,
Cultural audit of the organization,
Brand architecture,
Brand personality,
Brand patterns,
Selection of areas of communication,
Value proposition (CV, EV, RTB),
Tone of Voice,
Consumer Insight,
Brand platform,
Strategic Brief,
Design Brief,
Creative letter,
Product brief.
Definition of business,
Goals of strategic brand development,
The ideal state to which the brand aspires,
Marca Golden Circle,
Mission Statement,
Desk research category,
Segmentation of customers,
Customer discovery,
Target group research,
Cultural audit of the organization,
Brand architecture,
Brand personality,
Brand patterns,
Selection of areas of communication,
Value proposition (CV, EV, RTB),
Tone of Voice,
Consumer Insight,
Brand platform,
Strategic Brief,
Design Brief,
Creative letter,
Product brief.
Product Design & Development
JTBD Workshops,
UX audit (for existing products),
Desk research category,
Segmentation of customers,
Target group research,
Analysis of competition,
Category analysis (POP and POD),
Identification of neglected needs,
Defining value propositions,
Designation of a key path,
Feature set,
Low-fidelity wireframes/MVP,
Information architecture,
High-fidelity wireframes,
Copywriting/UX Writing,
Usability Testing, Iterations,
The choice of technological stack.
JTBD Workshops,
UX audit (for existing products),
Desk research category,
Segmentation of customers,
Target group research,
Analysis of competition,
Category analysis (POP and POD),
Identification of neglected needs,
Defining value propositions,
Designation of a key path,
Feature set,
Low-fidelity wireframes/MVP,
Information architecture,
High-fidelity wireframes,
Copywriting/UX Writing,
Usability Testing, Iterations,
The choice of technological stack.
Branding & Product Design
Analysis of key graphic details,
Analysis of trends and culture,
Customer Imaging,
Benchmark brand assets,
Visualization of personality and patterns,
Do's and don'ts,
Mapping of perception,
Metaphors of insight, ideas,
Artistic directions,
Mapping of perception,
Stile stile,
The physical and digital environment of the client,
History and art,
Mind map,
Research of concepts,
Defining brand assets,
Defining the design of the system,
Standardization of sections and components.
Analysis of trends and culture,
Customer Imaging,
Benchmark brand assets,
Visualization of personality and patterns,
Do's and don'ts,
Mapping of perception,
Metaphors of insight, ideas,
Artistic directions,
Mapping of perception,
Stile stile,
The physical and digital environment of the client,
History and art,
Mind map,
Research of concepts,
Defining brand assets,
Defining the design of the system,
Standardization of sections and components.
Fields of exploitation (system application), Brandbook PDF/DAM (Frontify, Standards),
Printing of materials,
Protection of the mark,
Change communication strategy,
Implementation of the assumptions in the SoMe strategy
Design system,
Interfaccia utente (UI),
Interaction design,
Interaction documentation (product manual),
Implementation documentation (handoff) .Standardization of creations into a set of rules and rules for their use,
Printing of materials,
Protection of the mark,
Change communication strategy,
Implementation of the assumptions in the SoMe strategy
Design system,
Interfaccia utente (UI),
Interaction design,
Interaction documentation (product manual),
Implementation documentation (handoff) .Standardization of creations into a set of rules and rules for their use,
Product Design & Development
Front-end (React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js),
Back-end (Laravel, Python, Symfony),
eCommerce (WooCommerce, Magento),
CMS (Webflow, Wordpress),
Integration with CMS, ERP, CRM, Creative Development,
Animazione personalizzata,
Interactieve ervaring,
Aplikasi (Swift (iOS), Java (Android)),
Functional and integration tests.
Back-end (Laravel, Python, Symfony),
eCommerce (WooCommerce, Magento),
CMS (Webflow, Wordpress),
Integration with CMS, ERP, CRM, Creative Development,
Animazione personalizzata,
Interactieve ervaring,
Aplikasi (Swift (iOS), Java (Android)),
Functional and integration tests.

You don't need heroes. Only people who know what to do — and process, who will unite them unique skills in a coherent the whole.
We create or redesign brand images. From the ground up — defining the foundations and shaping communication, to finished, concrete projects — products in the digital world and real.
We create or redesign brand images. From the ground up — defining the foundations and shaping communication, to finished, concrete projects — products in the digital world and real.

Szymon Kordylewicz
Design Direction / Brand Strategy
I believe that design is a bridge that connects the present with the future. Branding causes an emotional resonance in our minds, and it is through feelings and intuition that we make choices.

Kasia Maciejak
Copy / Brand Strategy
Słowa są lustrem - więc odbijam w nich to, co prawdziwego i najlepszego marki mogą dać światu. By nie tylko zwalały z nóg, ale stawały się nieodłączną częścią życia... swoich klientów.

Agnieszka Grochowska
Copy / Brand Strategy
Inspirować, motywować, uskrzydlać, dodawać animuszu. Tak Twoja marka będzie działać na odbiorców. Bo to właśnie w śmiałości tkwi geniusz, potęga i magia.

Damian Szewczyk
Product Development
Wszystko wydaje się niemożliwe, dopóki ktoś pierwszy tego nie zrobi. Jestem przekonany, że moc zmieniania świata na lepsze ma każdy. Ja robię to językiem programowania.

Adam Bak
Motion Design
Pociąga mnie dynamika. To, w jaki sposób ruchem i dźwiękiem nadaję życie statycznym strukturom. O, tak – w tym zdecydowanie jest wyjątkowa siła!

Hania Komasińska
Fotografia jest nośnikiem najgłębszych emocji i moim tajnym sposobem opisywania świata. Wypowiada to, co niewypowiedziane i – co w niej uwielbiam – inspiruje, budzi, wyzwala.

Hubert Czapula
Film / Photography
Obrazy są przedłużeniem duszy: i fotografa, i nierzadko odbiorcy. Podróżuję w nich w czasie, maluję światłem i odkrywam coraz to nowe znaczenia tego, co pozornie zwyczajne.

Versatility, knowledge, enthusiasm and personal Szymon's commitment makes for excellent projects.
The aim of our cooperation was to develop a visual identification of a key product. Over time, it turned out that Szymon's team perfectly understood the genre weight of the brand and the service.
The thesign.digital team is listening carefully and analyzes, and then sets the right direction in order to finally form the perfect image and image strategy. Highly recommend!
The aim of our cooperation was to develop a visual identification of a key product. Over time, it turned out that Szymon's team perfectly understood the genre weight of the brand and the service.
The thesign.digital team is listening carefully and analyzes, and then sets the right direction in order to finally form the perfect image and image strategy. Highly recommend!

From the first day of cooperation with Szymon and his team, the realization of image campaigns has become a real pleasure. The design process is very agile and methodical.
They can very easily move from the abstract layer of the brief to the real project. As for creative people - they are disciplined and always They keep their word. I recommend!
They can very easily move from the abstract layer of the brief to the real project. As for creative people - they are disciplined and always They keep their word. I recommend!

I would like to say that the project went smoothly and as expected — but far exceeded them!
The thesign.digital team is a high shelf. Great quality and the concrete itself. Their ideas were hit to the point, as if they had been working in my market themselves for years.
And also punctuality and ongoing contact — such cooperation is a pleasure. It's on It certainly wasn't our last project together. I recommend!
The thesign.digital team is a high shelf. Great quality and the concrete itself. Their ideas were hit to the point, as if they had been working in my market themselves for years.
And also punctuality and ongoing contact — such cooperation is a pleasure. It's on It certainly wasn't our last project together. I recommend!

Looking back, I think we couldn't have hit it any better. thesign.digital is an agency that designs not only effectively or according to trends — but with full business sense. That was the most important thing for us.
In addition, working with Szymon and his team based on the schedule they proposed actually works.
Feeling calm and in complete control of the situation in such a strategically important step — priceless!
In addition, working with Szymon and his team based on the schedule they proposed actually works.
Feeling calm and in complete control of the situation in such a strategically important step — priceless!

Thesign.digital know exactly what to do. From the very first conversation with Szymon, they aroused our trust — but the most important thing is that they supported them very quickly with actual action. And great ideas!
Throughout the entire design process, we had constant contact, and it is difficult to find such a level of communication in today's design world.
In conclusion: despite the challenges that arose along the way, the team fulfilled from work reliably and with the highest quality. On behalf of the company, I sincerely recommend.
Throughout the entire design process, we had constant contact, and it is difficult to find such a level of communication in today's design world.
In conclusion: despite the challenges that arose along the way, the team fulfilled from work reliably and with the highest quality. On behalf of the company, I sincerely recommend.