There are no boring products, there are only boring brands.

Good design sells more. We remember images better and process them faster. Refreshing your image is a proven way to stand out from the competition. Refresh the image and let your audience remember you. Attract the attention of customers.

thesign.digitalTM to agencja brandingowa tworząca marki dla liderów usług cyfrowych.
Szymon Kordylewicz
Does visual identity sell?
Does visual identity sell?
Z tego artykułu dowiesz się:

1. How a consistent image consistently builds sales.
2. About the fact that painting is one of the most important elements of the modern world.

Does visual identity sell?

Today's market is overflowing with all kinds of goods and services. Moreover, they are on a very level playing field. This is a real treat for brands that want to stand out from the competition.

Lowering the price is a bad idea

Entrepreneurs often come up with the idea that a great solution to win a client will be to reduce the price.

Do you want to be sure? How desperate do you have to be to attract the attention of the customer only with a low price? Will such an action stop him for longer? Surely the strategy of lowering the price in the long run does not pay off, because in the end, to what low amount will you want to go down? Moreover, the low value of the product is very difficult to reconcile with great quality. And will selling with minimal profit continue to be called a business...? Well, that's right...

Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose

Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose
Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose
Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose
Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose
Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose
Branding WeareCollins Identyfikacja Wizualna Bose
WeAreCollins for Bose

The alternative is a coherent image

It is therefore worth taking a deep breath and looking again at the activities so far. Think about the image of your brand. How do you want it to be perceived by the audience? Maybe somewhere along the way you missed the basic issues related to visual identification. Business owners often see no connection or effect in what their business looks like and how much they sell.

Creating a positive and consistent image in a conscious way is the basis of the company's operation and its chance to achieve success. It's about taking a holistic view of how you are perceived. About the whole creation. So let's focus on the most important aspects.

First, give potential customers clarity and clarity about what you are selling. Well-chosen logo, graphics, visual page to the nature of the industry significantly affect sales. The image works much more strongly than the words. Especially in the age of widespread digitization and the constant scanning of thousands of information. Distinctive, attention-grabbing images are remembered faster.

And as the Chinese proverb says, a picture is worth more than a thousand words. In the work of a marketer, this fact seems so obvious... that sometimes it is forgotten. So it is worth returning to this issue again and again from time to time.

Identyfikacja Wizualna i Branding Sydney - Kordylewicz Szymon
Unified Corporate Identity of the City of Sydney — ForThePeople Agency

Identyfikacja Wizualna i Branding Sydney - Kordylewicz Szymon
Unified Corporate Identity of the City of Sydney — ForThePeople Agency

Identyfikacja Wizualna i Branding Sydney - Kordylewicz Szymon
Unified Corporate Identity of the City of Sydney — ForThePeople Agency

Identyfikacja Wizualna i Branding Sydney - Kordylewicz Szymon
Unified Corporate Identity of the City of Sydney — ForThePeople Agency

American scientists...

The vast majority of people are visually impaired. A neuroscientist at MIT has discovered that the human brain is able to process entire images seen in just 13 milliseconds. What's more, presentations using visual aids are 43% more convincing. Tego The discovery was made in 1986 by researchers. from the University of Minnesota, comparing how presentations work for audiences with and without images.

This gives a clear confirmation of how important and powerful the presented visual message is at the same time.

The human brain is able to process entire images seen in just 13 milliseconds.

Branding logo firmy kordylewicz
Simplicity and minimalism are not slogans uttered by designers. The easier the image, the greater the chance that the recipient will remember it and associate it with our service. And that's what it's all about.

Service is not enough

People are making more and more conscious purchases. They expect more from brands they like and identify with. The desire to identify with the brand is one such expectation.

The modern customer appreciates what a brand represents. A consistent image guarantees him to meet specific expectations. For example, when a familiar logo appears on his horizon, he can expect - e.g. excellent quality, modernity, sense of security, efficiency, etc. It is the products (services) branded with his familiar logo that have often confirmed such feelings, so it will be the same now.

The given logo, name, color palette and style, that is, the visual identity, puts a stamp with the guarantee of satisfying certain experiences. People buy with emotions and it is on their basis that they make purchasing decisions. A bold and expressive personality is something that will make you stand out the most from the competition. It adds value to your product. For the customer, it is also a lifestyle.

Branding logo firmy kordylewicz
Customers today expect much more from brands. They want to hear, see and feel the added value.

Be one of a kind

Especially in the age of excess stimuli, visual identification is so important. When a customer needs to make a purchase, they will think of you at the first moment. He will think - if only your brand will be expressive and give him the mentioned experiences. We buy with our eyes, which is why visual stimuli are the first to reach the consciousness of customers. It is they that allow you to be recognized among other similar products.

Nice here, I'll stay here longer

Good design, in addition to evoking positive emotions, also affects the feeling of trust. Think about your recent purchases online. You have found the product you are looking for, at the same price in several (unknown to you) e-shops. What emotions did each of them evoke? Why did you decide to choose this site and not another? Certainly the visual perception played a key role here. You may not even realize it. The aesthetic appearance of the site inspires credibility and trust. Such sensations subconsciously influence the purchase decision. This is done even before evaluating the usability of the site.

Ładny interfejs zachęca do zostania na dłużej - Branding logo firmy kordylewicz
Just like the interior of your store, the design of your Ecommerce should inspire confidence. The Churn Buster Project.

Branding logo firmy kordylewicz
Make sure it is modern, in line with current trends. Churn Buster Project.

As you can see, the picture is one of the most important elements of the modern world. It is easier for us to remember it, it also affects our emotions more clearly. These, in turn, translate into greater engagement of the audience. In the end - good design sells.

So if you want to increase the sales of your products or services, change or refresh your image. Make sure it is modern, in line with current trends. Give character to your brand. Let it not be another expressionless clone, but something that arouses desire. Instead of being like a bland and indistinct in taste porridge with milk, let it be a refined dish, seasoned with a hint of aromatic spices. Poetry for the senses, giving unforgettable emotions to your client. Do not be afraid to act. Make contact with your brand a pleasure.

Szymon Kordylewicz Piła Wielkopolska Projektant Grafika